Disable Plymouth boot screen

Daniel Montalvo | Jan 28, 2023

What is Plymouth booting screen?

Usually a fresh install of Ubuntu Linux contains a nice booting screen that hides the process of booting up, as cool as it may look it can hinder the booting time on old computers (you would barely notice it if you are using a high end pc) but also I really like to see the terminal doing the checks on every boot so I always end up disabling this feature.

1. First edit the grub configuration

Open the terminal and navigate to /etc/default/grub, I will be using nano since it is installed by default.

sudo nano /etc/default/grub

There youll find for the next line:


You should replace the “quiet splash” for “quiet”:


If using nano the next step would be to press ctrl + x to close the file, it will ask us to save the changes so we are going to hit enter.

2. Updating the grub

Now that you have made the change is time to update the grub, the changes we just made won’t have any effect if we don’t do this step on the terminal write the following command:

sudo update-grub

after this you should be ready to go.


This is good enough to get rid of the booting screen, I DO NOT recommend to uninstall plymouth since it can (and possibly will) cause dependency problems with other parts of Ubuntu/Linux.